You tried your first piece of Halloween candy today. It was a mini Milky Way bar--I bought the bag to give out candy to trick or treaters, except no one rang our bell. Or maybe they rang our bell while we were out trick or treating, I can't be sure. Either way, we ended up with a full bowl of Milky Way bars and Starburst packs, and you have enjoyed emptying the bowl all over the floor and then, well, sitting in the bowl.

But earlier today, you managed to open one of the Milky Way bars, and you brought it to me. I told you it was edible and you seemed to believe me, but after one bite, you ripped it into pieces and placed it all on the kitchen counter (you're very tall.) I was sort of impressed that you didn't want to eat the chocolate. Later in the day, however, you opened another piece, again brought it to me, and we shared it. You got so excited that you jumped on the bed for 5 minutes. And then you threw up. It's 10pm and I'm still waiting for the sheets to dry. Yes, my fault.
You love to jump on the bed. Every night after dinner, you run into my room (also Dad's room) and yell "BED!" We let you up there until you decide it's ok to pet the cats with your feet. It's not ok. That's called kicking. But when you're behaving, you will stand in the middle of the bed and say "Three, two, three" and then flop backwards, leading with your head. This is sufficiently frightening to me that I usually stay in the kitchen during these exercises. Lucky for you, Dad thinks it's highly entertaining.
You're getting very good at counting. If I say one, you'll say two. Then I say three, and you usually say "FLOP!" So we'll keep working on numbers.
In other news, Dad bought a bike with a seat for you, and you are now obsessed. When you wake up, you either demand to go on the bike, or you demand to put on your ladybug Halloween costume. Or you demand to listen to music. "MYSTIC!" You're very demanding. I think I need to hide the ladybug now that Halloween is over. You wore it 4 different days last week (once with starfish glasses.) You also found time to don your bumblebee costume from Aunt Bev at least three times. It was a good week.
