We just returned from a week-long trip to Chicago. Aside from the airplane rides, we had a terrific time, but with the airplane rides, it was like a little slice of hell. On our way there, you demanded to get out of your seat the entire time, refused to nap, and spent the descent screaming at the top of your lungs (probably because your ears hurt and you refused to drink or eat anything I was offering you. Luckily, I finally found a one-year-old lollipop in the bottom of my bag and that kept you quiet for the last minute before touchdown, until you wanted another one.) I was sweating, putting my hand over your mouth, singing to you, telling you stories, trying to shove yogurt bites into your mouth, and doing everything I could to avoid eye contact with the other passengers.
On the way back to San Francisco, you threw your tantrum before we even boarded the plane. I had to carry you kicking and screaming down the aisle, while all people around us secretly hoped that we would not be sitting anywhere near them. As an aside, I could write an entire paragraph on United Airlines refusal to pre-board families, but by the time you're reading this, that airline won't exist anymore, so really, what's the point? Once the flight started, you were actually pretty good, because I let you have three lollipops and play with my iPad. But you still didn't nap.

In between flights, we stayed with Nonnie and Pops, who threw you a birthday party and doted on you every moment. On the two days when you woke up at 4:45 for no apparent reason, Pops got up and played with you so I could go back to bed. Nonnie showed you a video of an owl and a star dancing to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and it became your new obsession. You made several jokes, including adding "Uncle" to the beginning of everyone's name: Uncle Pops, Uncle Shishie, Uncle Layla, Uncle Banana, Uncle Mommy's Jacket...and laughed uncontrollably. You made a brief appearance at Shishie's baby shower and dropped a cracker into each of her gift bags. When you spilled your whole fruit salad in the present pile, we decided it was time for you to leave.
Nonnie watched you one night so Pops and I could go see The Hunger Games and have dinner at Uncle Paul's bar. That was an awesome night, and I realized it is really great and important to behave like an adult every now and then, even when that means going to see a PG-13 movie and eating macaroni and cheese and tater tots. We also had several play dates with your buddies Grace, Noah, Timmy, Tommy and Ava, and I am now kicking myself for forgetting to get pictures of that good-looking group.
When we got back to our house, you kissed me and danced in the kitchen. I know you had a great trip, but it is good to be home, to have all of our stuff, to be with Dad. This morning when you woke up, you immediately asked if you could go see him in bed. This afternoon you asked if he could come over. I can't wait to see your face when he gets home tonight.
Also of note: today was your 2-year doctor appointment. You are 30 pounds and 35.5 inches tall. The doctor estimates that you will be 5'9" or 5'10" when you are all grown. I'm so jealous. Maybe you can carry me around for a change once that happens.
