Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Story You Told Me

Dear Scarlett,
A boy walks into a bike store and asks the doctor for a bike for his little sister.

"How old is she?" asks the bike doctor.

"Three," says the boy.

"And how old are you?" asks the bike doctor.

"I'm four," says the boy.

The doctor asks the boy what his sister's name is and the answer is "Despicable Me." The boy's name, it turns out, is "Strawberry Watermelon Pumpkin Apple Brownie Surprise."

"That sounds delicious," says the doctor.

He sells the boy a bike in his sister's favorite colors (red and pink) and a matching helmet. This costs $100 and the boy leaves with his change. But he quickly comes back to tell the bike doctor that his belly hurts.

"Why?" asks the doctor.

The little boy explains that his three-year-old baby sister is coming out of his belly, and she will be ready for her new bike. Out she pops and they take off riding.

The End.
